Ancient Rome movies

On this page, you will find a list of Ancient Rome movies and documentaries that we recommend. Every Roman history enthusiast should have an extensive collection of movies set in Ancient Rome.


We have compiled a list of interesting documentaries on various Roman history subjects. More documentaries can be found further below classified by period of Roman history.

Period: Roman Kingdom (753 - 509 B.C.)

During the Roman Kingdom, kings were elected by the people for life. No Roman king ever took power by force.

Period: Early Roman Republic (458 - 274 B.C.)

The Early Roman Republic saw revolt and the expulsion of King Tarquinius Superbus in 509 BC. About one hundred years after the beginning of the Roman Republic, in 400 BC, Rome was attacked by the Gauls.

Period: Mid Republic (274 - 148 BC)

The Mid Republic is characterized by the three Punic Wars. The First Punic War started in 264 BC and orginated from a conflit between two city-states in Sicily, Messana and Syracuse. During the Second Punic War (218 to 201 BC), Hannibal crossed the Alps and invaded Italy.

Period: Late Republic (147 - 27 BC)

The Late Republic saw a slave revolt, Sulla marching into Rome, Caesar's military conquest of Gaul, the Triumvirate and ended with Mark Antony and Cleopatra committing suicide in Egypt.

Period: Roman Principate (27 BC - 284 AD)

The Roman Principate started with Emperor August and saw emperors such as Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Trajan and Hadrian. Jesus' crucifixion also took place during this period.

Period: Roman Dominate (284 - 476 AD)

The Roman Dominate started with the reign of Diocletian. Emperor Constantine reigned from 306 AD to 337 AD and is mainly remembered for converting Rome to Christianity.

Period: Eastern Roman Empire (476 - 1453 AD)

The Eastern Roman Empire also known as the Byzantine Empire lasted for close to 1,000 years. During this period Emperor Justinian, married to a dancer called Theodora, built the church of Agia Sofia.

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